Index: S

This page forms part of the alphabetical index to the patterns of power commentaries and blog posts.

Sabotage, (, (7.3.4), (

SADC, see Southern African Development Community (SADC) below

Saddam Hussein, (8.7) and see Index-Iraq

Sandel, Michael, (, (, (, (, (, (

Sanders, Bernie, (, (, (6.7.2)

Saudi Arabia – authoritarian, (, (, (9.2.1)

– economy, (

– foreign policy, (, (, (

Scams, (3.3.5), (7.2.2)

Schengen Area, ( and see Index-European-Union-(EU)

SCO, see Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) below

Scotland, ( and see Index-Britain

Second World War, ( and see Index-Wars

Second World War – ensuing reforms, (, (5.3.6), (6.6.6), (, (9.5.1) and see Index-International-governance

Secular, (4.1.2)

Self-Protection, (2.7), and see Chapter 7

Sen, Amartya – capability approach, (2.2), ( and see citations in blog posts

– comments on identity, (4.4.1)

– principles of justice, (2.3.1), (2.4)

– small-scale farming, (,

– value of an impartial spectator, (, (, (

Sentencing lawbreakers, ( and see Index-Legal-powers

Separation of powers, (5.1.3)(5.2.8), (5.4.2), (6.1.3)

– in authoritarian political systems, (, (

– in international law, (, (9.5.2)

Separatism, (6.6.3) and see citations in blog posts

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) – political collaboration, (, (

– security collaboration, (7.2.7), (, (

– trade, (

Shareholders – investing for profit, (3.2.1), (

– role in corporate governance, (, (

– role in finance sector, (3.2.7), (, (3.5.5)

– share of wealth created, (3.5.6)

Shariah, (, and see Index-Religion

Sharing wealth, (3.5.6), (6.7.2)

Sherbert Test, (

Shi’a Islam, (, and see Index-Religion

Short-termism: business, (

Short-termism: politics, (, (, (9.4)

Sierra Leone, (, (

Sincerity, (, and see Index-Socially-acceptable-behaviour

Skidelsky, Robert,– need for public investment, (

– Just War theory, (

Slander, (

Sleaze, (, (, (6.4.5)

Slogans, (6.3.6), (, (6.6.4)

Slums, (

Smith, Adam, economics of supply and demand, (3.2.1), (3.3.2), (3.3.5), (3.3.6)

– paying tax for shared services, (, (3.5.1), (9.2.4)

– relative poverty, (

– value of an impartial spectator, (, (4.3.2)

Social cohesion, (4.4.7), and see Index-Pluralism

Social democracy, (6.2.3), (

Social Identity Theory, (, (

Social media, in politics, (6.4.2), ( see citations in blog posts

– in personal relationships, (, (

– in international relations, (, (, (7.3.5)

Social stability, (, (, (9.2.1), and see Index-Pluralism

Socialism, (6.2.1), (6.2.3), (

Socially-acceptable behaviour, (4.4.2) and see separate Index

Society, (4.1.1), (4.4.1) and see Index-Moral-influence

Socio-economic rights, (3.4.6), (, (6.7.1), and see Index-human-rights

Soft power, (, (, (, (9.5.4)

Solar energy, ( and see Index-Climate-and-environment

Solar radiation management, ( and see Index-Climate-and-environment

Soleimani assassination, (5.3.7)

South Africa – apartheid, (

– human rights, (

– impact of economic sanctions, (

– political alliances, (

– private security guards, (

Southern African Development Community (SADC), (, (, (6.6.5), (

Sovereignty – definition, (2.8.3), (5.2.3)

– EU pooled sovereignty, (5.3.5), (, (6.6.5), (, and see citations in blog posts

– international sovereignty, (5.3.7)

Sowell, Thomas, (, (6.2.5)

Spain, Basque separatists, (, (7.2.8), (9.6.2)

Spanish economy, (6.3.9), (

Spanish Inquisition, (, (

Spanish political system, (2.8.4), (, (, (

Spying, (7.3.4), (

Srebrenica massacre, (, (7.4.4)

Status anxiety, (, (, (, (, (

Subsidiarity – definition, (2.8)

– economic, (3.4), and see Index-Economic-governance

– legal, (5.3), and see Index-Legal-powers

– political, (6.6), (6.6.7), and see Index-Political-authority

Subsistence farming, (7.2.1)

Sudan, (, (, (9.2.1)

Suicide, (5.4.2), (5.4.4)

Suicide bombings, (

Sunak, Rishi, (5.2.5), (, (6.8.4and see citations in blog posts

Sunni and Shi’a Islam, (, and see Index-Religion

Supply and demand, (3.3.2), and see Index-Economic-governance

Surveillance, (, (, (, (, (, (

Surveys, (, (

Sustainable Development Goals, (3.5.7), (, (

Swift, Jonathan, (

Sykes-Picot agreement, blog

Syria, (, (8.3) and see citations in blog posts

Syrian civil war, (, and see Index-Wars