Index: Wars

This page forms part of the alphabetical index to the patterns of power commentaries and blog posts.

  Main Sections

Political aspects, (, (6.7.7)

Armed forces, (7.2.7)

Attacking other countries, (7.3)

Problems with the use of force, (7.4)

Conflicts citations in blog posts

   Military issues

Air-strikes, (, (

Alliances, (

amongst the people, (7.4.1)

Arms trade, (7.4.6)

asymmetric warfare, (

between countries, (7.3.1)

Biological weapons, (, (

Chemical weapons, (, and see entry in index C

civil war, (6.6.3), (, (7.2.6), (, and see Syrian civil war below

civilian casualties, (, (7.4.3), (

cost, (

Drones, (, (, (, ( see citations in blog posts

exit strategy, (

Geneva Conventions, (, (

Guerrilla warfare, (7.4.1), (, (

hybrid warfare, (7.3.5)

improvised explosive devices (IEDs), (

intervention in other countries, (, (7.3.2)

Invasions to acquire territory, (7.3.1)

‘just war’ theory, (, (7.4.3)

Nuclear weapons, (, (7.4.2), (7.4.4), (9.5.3)

overseas wars, (6.3.6), (

Propaganda impact, (7.4.3), and see entry in index-N-P

Terrorism, (7.2.8), (7.3.3) and see Index-Terrorism and citations in blog posts

War crimes, (7.4.3) and see entry in index-T-Z

Weapons and their usability, (

  Specific wars

Afghanistan occupation,(, (, (8.8.4)

Cold War, (, (

Crimea, annexation by Russia, (7.3.5); also see Index-Russia and Crimea citations in blog posts

Falklands war, (6.3.6), (7.3.1)

Iraq: 2003 invasion, (Introduction), (, (7.4.2), (8)

Iraq: cost of war, (, (, (8.7.2)

Iraq-Iran war, (7.3.1), (7.4.4), (7.4.5)

Israeli wars with Arabs, ( and see Index Israel

Second World War, (2.3.1), (, (7.3.1), (,

Syrian civil war, background, (, (, (, (9.6.3)

Syrian civil war, issues, (, (, and see citations in blog posts

Ukraine, invasion by Russia, (; also see Index-Russia and citations in blog posts

Vietnam, (6.3.6), (7.3.2), (

war on terrorism, (7.3.3), (, (8.7)