Using the PatternsofPower Approach


The Overview book was designed to help readers to understand the PatternsofPower approach, which includes describing criteria by which power can be assessed and a system of classifying patterns.  The website allows the Overview to be read online by providing links which directly connect the relevant segments of each chapter, bypassing the detailed pattern descriptions.

Diagnosis of a Specific Issue

The Patterns menu on this website provides an analysis hierarchy, to help people to drill down to find which sections are likely to be relevant.  Many topics of interest are likely to be among those classified as major issues towards the end of each chapter, and these contain links to the relevant lower-level patterns.

Many of the pattern descriptions include links to Internet sources, to support further research as described here.

Finding the Relevant Section

The Alphabetical Index has been constructed to provide a list of topics and people of interest, offering links to the relevant PatternsofPower sections.  The most relevant are shown in bold.  Some topics are so broad – such as human rights, for example – that they have separate index pages of their own, listing several different ways of looking at them.

Using the Books

The books are available from this website here.  Kindle versions of the books have the twofold advantages of portability and flexibility.  The portability reflects Kindle’s support for holding offline content on a full range of devices from smart phones to desktop computers.  The flexibility comes from allowing the offline addition of personal mark-ups and comments, which can subsequently be exported or erased.