Pragmatic Management of Change

A basic progressive approach consists of the pragmatic management of change, in response to external factors or to improve people’s lives.

Some change is inevitable.  It can be driven by technology, by economic policies inside a country, by the global economic situation, and by cultural change as populations move around.  A progressive politician attempts to ensure that the public benefits from, or at least experiences minimum harm from, changes that are already happeningNorway’s Climate Action Plan for 2021–2030, is an excellent example:

“Norway will have to go through a major transformation process, which will involve reducing emissions but not hampering development. The Government will therefore pursue an ambitious climate policy that will make it possible to achieve climate targets and at the same time provide a good framework for more jobs, greater welfare and sustainable growth of the Norwegian economy. Efforts to halt climate change involve great challenges, but also offer the opportunity to create a better Norway.”

Further, progressives look to see if improvements can be made by making political interventions.  Investments in infrastructure, such as President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, fall into this category.

The pragmatic management of change smoothes its introduction.  Radical changes, such as those described in the next sub-section (, are risky and unsettle the population.  Pragmatists recognise the need to win public support for what they want to do, and they know that they need to take account of what is politically possible.

Many progressive politicians are collectivists (6.2.3).  They aim to make improvements in people’s lives by developing and maintaining public services, and by adopting economic policies to protect those who need help.  In a democratic political system, these improvements might have been part of the platform upon which the politicians had stood for election.



This page is intended to form part of Edition 4 of the Patterns of Power series of books.  An archived copy of it is held at https://www.patternsofpower.org/edition04/6251a.htm.