Risks in Ignoring the Problems of Change

(This is an archived page, from the Patterns of Power Edition 3 book.  Current versions are at book contents).

The preceding sub-sections have focused on how politicians can respond proactively to rapid social change.  Sadly, some advocates of neoliberalism have been too focused on its benefits to the majority and have ignored the problems of those who are adversely affected.  There was a marked political backlash in 2016 in 2017:

·      If a section of society feels that it has been ignored, it is vulnerable to exploitation by authoritarian populist politicians ( who offer strong leadership and false promises of easy solutions.  Donald Trump’s success in winning the American presidency in 2016 can be attributed to his recognition of the problems faced by people left behind by economic change, as shown in an example described by HuffPost: This Ohio Town Voted For Obama By Huge Margins. Then It Flipped To Trump.  Hillary Clinton had been widely expected to win the election but, as a post on this website in September 2016 pointed out, Hillary isn’t reaching people; she was too easily seen as representing an out-of-touch and uncaring political elite.

·      There is a potential for ethnic conflict (4.4.5) where there has been a rapid change in the cultural mix of a population, and this can create openings for political exploitation of ethnicity by ‘alt-right’ politicians (  People’s anxieties about Germany’s unconditional welcome of immigrants resulted in a surge of support for the 'alt-right' Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the 2017 election, as reported by the BBC: German election: A hollow victory for Angela Merkel.

Neither authoritarian populists nor ‘alt-right’ politicians are likely to benefit the population, and democracy itself can be threatened if voters lose confidence in the political system. 

Failures to provide an adequate response to change are a dereliction of duty: politicians are elected to serve the people, so they shouldn’t ignore sections of the population who are experiencing hardship.