Ad Hoc Coalitions and Treaties

(The latest version of this page is at Pattern Descriptions.  An archived copy of this page is held at https://www.patternsofpower.org/edition02/7272.htm)

Countries can choose to act in concert with each other, without reference to any formal governance, for collaborative self-protection against a specific threat – as in these examples:

·      They can form treaties, for example to resolve a border dispute, without choosing an external arbitration authority.  Renegotiation, withdrawal, or the threat of force are the only means of rectifying breaches of such treaties.

·      They can form ad hoc alliances or coalitions to combat perceived military threats; as in the previous example, there is no formal mechanism for rectifying breaches.

·      They can form exclusive trading relationships, with lower tariff barriers than those agreed to with the World Trade Organisation (, to gain the benefits of free trade amongst themselves whilst not allowing other countries to participate.

If problems arise within ad hoc alliances, countries have to rely upon their own strength to resolve them.

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