5.4.3  Acceptability of the Law

(The latest version of this page is at Pattern Descriptions.  An archived copy of this page is held at https://www.patternsofpower.org/edition02/543.htm)

The effectiveness of law depends upon its acceptability.  Laws are not workable if large numbers of people don’t accept them: large-scale infringement of the law undermines it, both by causing people to lose respect for it and by overloading the enforcement agencies, judiciary and penal system.  A policy of inclusivity would therefore need to take account of the acceptability of the whole legal system to everybody in its area of jurisdiction.  This depends upon a number of factors:

·      The legal system should have legitimacy: people should be able to feel respect for their country’s Constitution (or its equivalent) and the framework of secondary rules which defines how laws are created and amended (5.2.3). 

·      People should be able to feel that they have had sufficient influence on the negotiation of legislation (

·      They should be able to feel that the law-enforcement agencies (5.2.5) and courts ( are impartial, and that judges exercise their discretion with due regard for acceptable principles (5.2.2).

·      At a more basic level, people should be able to identify with the law – to feel that its purpose (and the way it is used) is to help and protect them rather than to oppress them.  This is the subject of the next three sub-sections:

      The law needs to be inclusive (;

      It should avoid conflict with religious law (;

      It needs to adapt to contemporary culture (

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