3.5 Contentious Economic Issues

These contentious economic issues must be resolved to ensure that the economy works for the benefit of the whole population

3.5.1      Economic Reciprocity – Paying Tax for Shared Services

paying tax, funding collective costs, maintaining infrastructure

3.5.2      Scope of Government Spend

government spend compromise between individualists and collectivists

3.5.3      Public Service Delivery

how best to deliver public services; privatisation, value for money

3.5.4      Free Trade and Globalisation

the world has broadly benefited but there have been problems

3.5.5      Restructuring Global Financial Governance

a need to reduce instability whilst allowing growth

3.5.6      How Wealth is Shared

a rebalance could reduce income inequality and increase investment

3.5.7      Economic Impact of Environmental Challenges

climate change, global warming, pollution, disease, resource shortages

3.5.8      Economic Policies Towards Developing Countries

developing economies need aid, lower tariff barriers and modernisation

3.5.9      The Legitimacy of Economic Governance

an economy should benefit everyone; neoliberalism is problematic

These contentious economic issues can be analysed in moral terms, as described in the next chapter, and they are subject to political negotiation



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